Add Number of Records found in VV7 searches.

Jeff Jeansonne commented
would like to get uniseach to return numbers of stock meeting the criteria . example stocks trading above stop in s/p 500 it would return a list of top ten or 20 but also give a total number of stocks trading above stop. this would be just the total (number) of stocks and not a total list. thank you jeff
James Briggs commented
This means I must keep using VV U.S.
Paul Koreneff commented
I would like this because while we can set the number of stocks displayed we do not know how many in total - a search that displays 20 of 21 is quite different to one that displays 20 of 2001. This should be an easy add to the Unisearch results window.
Tom Mitchell commented
Submitted Jun 15, 2011 and still marked as "planned"? What does it take to have an obvious oversight with, presumably, an easy fix, implemented????
Howard Beckett commented
I think this is an important data point. I don't want to buy the top ten from a search that only found 15 results. I want to be buying the "Best of the Best" from a search. In other words, only the top 20-30% of the findings in a search. That means I need 30-50 results to be comfortable. I can use the "Quick Test All" method described elsewhere, but this is a lot of needless keystrokes.
Howard Beckett commented
Someone in my user group suggested using VV&s "Quick Test All" option because that tells you how many winners, losers, and total in "All". However, if the search returned more than 100 you still don't know how many were found.
isabelle clerc commented
Yes this is very important to see how many records are found after a search !!
Eric Paulson commented
The number of records is given when looking a Watch List in VV7 so to be consistent I think it should be shown in Unisearch as well.
Eric Paulson commented
This feature was included in Pro Graphic V6 but not found in V7. I hope it can be implemented in this version. For me it was helpful when creating custom searches or for comparing the amount of results returned from a particular search from day to day.
Howard Beckett commented
This feature may be heard to implement in a "real Time" environment but it could and should be added to the EOD segment of the platform for VV-7
Richard Hadlock commented
I would like to see the number of Stocks returned in a search. Persently, VV7 only displays the top stocks (100 max). For example, if I'm searching for stocks with %Prc>0, it is more meaningful to see how many stocks are UP compared to how many are Down in the database.