Add The Date A "Planned" Suggestion is Planned To Be Implemented
Background: There is a suggestion that has been "Planned" since June 2018 (i.e., add a watermark for the Layout name). Users are becoming frustrated that it has not been implemented, especially since it seems so simple to do and has a lot of votes.
Suggestion: My suggestion is to add the DATE that each planned suggestion is PLANNED to be implemented. This would apply to ALL Planned items in the forum. This would not only allow VV to plan what is going into which version (which I am sure you already do in some manner), it would also let us know when it is coming! The not knowing when it will be done is what is so frustrating, especially when it has been "planned" for so long; almost 4 years.
You should still keep the date which indicates when the "Planned" designation was added. June 18 2018 in this case. The idea was originally added by Kim Benner on Oct 13, 2010.
I am wondering if the Programming Supervisor monitors the Planned items in the forum, or whether an admin person adds the Planned designation in the forum, and then it is not really monitored actively (i.e., each week, each month, etc.).
With all that said, thanks for a great program!! Before I found VV, I used a different program which was freezing/shutting down/exiting often. Your programmers do a GREAT JOB! Tell them thanks!