4485 results found
Number the rows!
Sequential numbering of rows (like a spreadsheet) would help in quickly selecting "top 10" or "20" or selecting every X-th stock in a cherry-pick without resorting to counting every time!
27 votes -
Jockey Club without VWAP doesn't make sense. It's hard to find a successful day trader that doesn't rely heavily on the VWAP
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Is there any way you could add the following : The Volume weighted average price ((VWAP).
VWAP - The volume weighted average price
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Direct trading through TD Ameritrade
Add direct trading through TD Ameritrade
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Allow MTI to be used in Backtester as a timing Indicator AND also allow MTI value to be used as a STOP
Allow MTI to be used in Backtester as a timing Indicator AND also allow MTI value to be used as a STOP
26 votes -
Show dividends received on Summary Report
I would like to see dividends received on the summary report in the same section as interest paid/received and commissions
26 votes -
Have in the charts the Heikin-Ashi candlesticks
In particular the Heikin-Ashi range candlesticks. They are the smoothest for viewing trends.
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25 votes
Multiple Stop criteria-Back testing
Allow users to have multiple stop criteria when back testing. Have all stock, sector and industry factors available to select from.
25 votes -
add a tool that searches for seasonality.
What I would like to see is the ability to search for stocks / industries / sectors that perform well during certain time frames. For example, some stocks / industries do very well during the christmas season. Knowing which ones could help users ride seasonality trends.
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25 votes
Create the abiltity to find ProTrader Searches in minute periods.
Right now all of the ProTrader searches look for crossovers within the last day. Need a way to fnd stocks that have crossed in the last 30Mins.
25 votes -
Better Online help
Create step by step help instructions online for FAQ's instead of getting "call us and we'll talk you thru."
25 votes -
Display "open interest" in option analyzer for each strike price.
Open interest tells you how many people have options on a particular strike price that have NOT been closed. This is critical information when choosing a strike price...if there is little or no OI, it might not be possible to close the option contract in the future. Low OI also leads to very wide bid/ask prices.
24 votes -
Add Unisearch to backtest stop criteria
Unisearch is a great tool that can be used to finds the best stocks to buy and sell. Unisearch, with a portfolio filter, is a great way to decide when to sell stocks held in your portfolio based on very powerful and complex stop criteria. Enabling Unisearch as a backtest stop criteria would allow users to test the benefit of various "sell criteria"$$$.
24 votes -
backtesting individual stocks in VV7
To backtest individual stocks in VV7 you have to create a watchlist and then create a search that equals your watchlist. It is great that we can backtest a search but it would be great to have the ability to backtest existing watchlists and to create your own list of stocks inside the backtest tab of VV7.
24 votes -
In portfolio manager add position sizing
In portfolio manager add a position sizing that would be a % of the total portfolio amount related to the stop:
Portfolio amount = 25,000
stock price = 13
stop is at 11.50
I want to risk 5% of the 25,000
have it where I can pick whatever % I want to have at risk 2%,5% ect
number of shares to buy =833
I have 1,250 @ risk24 votes -
Add Custom Fields using Exponential Moving Averages
Could you please allow subscribers to add custom fields using exponential moving averages (EMAs) in addition to the current capability of simple moving averages (MAs)?
Thank you.
23 votes -
In the Back Testing page allow the user to move Backtests into folders for organizing and sharing
In the Back Testing page allow the user to move Backtests into folders in order to store and organize. This will allow the user to store their results for the future without having to sort through hundreds of back tests. Also along with this allow the user to share their back tests with other users.
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23 votes
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