Add Streaming Custom Moving Averages to Viewers & Portfolios
Currently, Custom Moving Average fields can only used in Unisearch. This would provide Custom Moving Averages in Viewer and Portfolio layouts. These Custom Moving Average fields would update on every tick (based on the user's datafeed access).

Chris Rourke commented
I'm disappointed that custom MA (in unisearch or elsewhere) requires an additional product and is not available in Intra-day Vector Vest 7.
I think that the original suggestion should not be considered complete or closed. When I cast my votes for it, I was not voting to have a feature added to some other product that I don't have. I was voting for a feature I would like to see in my products. I would rather see developer time spent on making the Unisearch custom MA fields available to all and then only after that should time be devoted to expanding the custom field to viewers.
Stanley Cornelius commented
with protrader, comparisons of the moving averages have been available for some time, (ie10ma/15ma = x.xx so if x.xx is > 1, the 10 is above the 15, and 1ma/10ma =y,yy, if y,yy > 1 then todays price is above the 10 ,,etc. ) to me this is the most useful part of the MA's and needs to be made useful in the portfolios and autotester to use as stop criteria. currently, this addtion appears to be only to be able to display the ma, but not sort or use math on. thus , will have only very limited usefulness. adding it to the portfolios and be able to do math and comparison math on the values will greatly enhance its usefulness.
I thought that the announcement you sent out meant that custom moving averages was now available in Vector Vest 7 but I have now been told it is only available in Pro Trader. I don't have Pro Trader and don't really need it apart from the advantage I saw in using it in Unisearch instead of just viewing MA's in graphs. I don't see any particular advantage to seeing MA's in the Viewer or Portfolios. They might be of benefit if incorporated in the backtester stop loss options
Warren Phillips commented
Thanks Timothy for your amazing job you did with this tool ! I can't wait to build my own custom searchs and profit from it. It turned out better than I would have imagined.