There is a sorting error in Real TIme searches!!
The Real TIME search will not list the stocks in an ascending order when sorted by VSR*GPE/RT Asc!! There are zero values interspersed throughout the list given. I keep being told that I cannot resort by a "computed value". I don't ask to resort.... but to have the stocks arranged the way they are supposed to be in the first place!

This issue has been resolved and will be part of our next planned release at the first of the year
Kevin Williams commented
Assuming that you meant VST*GPE/RT not VSR*GPE/RT, I get the same thing anytime I try to sort by a custom built field. For some reason, you cannot click on the column heading to change the sort, like all the standard columns. You can, however, go to the edit sort button just to the right of the green Run Search button. Open this up and you will find your custom built field. You can then make it ascending or descending. It is cumbersome because you can't do it with the click of the column heading, but it does work. I tested it with your parameters and got values either way. I'm also hoping that they will make the custom built fields change values in realtime. Unfortunately, you can create a field for realtime, but it doesn't change unless you hit the Run Search button over and over.