428 results found
add ability to print desired number of pages
When printing stocks' listing in unisearch or portfolios, I often only want the first page, but don't have that option in VV7.
27 votes -
add portfolio groups function
It quickly gets cumbersome to work with a list of portfolios without the ability to group them and minimize and expand the groups
49 votesPortfolio Groups is a feature we are currently working on for a future update that will greatly improve the Portfolios in VectorVest 7.
We don’t have a date yet, but I’ll let you know when the update is ready to be released!
createa stop loss strategy that is calculated from the 2,3,4 biggest moving days over the last 6 mos
create a stop/loss strategy that is calcuated from the 2,3,4,, biggest moving up/down days over the previos six months.
3 votes -
290 votes
2 votes
add back the ability to double click on a position and see the data for multiple purchases like EOD.
1 vote -
vv7 portfolio mini graph - need ability to display more than one day - intraday graph
it seems i can get either 6 month eod or intraday, but not intraday for a selected number of days (say 5 days)
1 vote -
Export Equity Curves and Perfomance Curves
Allow export of equity curves from portfolios and date from performance graphs to CSV files. Equity curve export is available in Simulator. Need same capability across VV products.
5 votes -
Export portfolio equity curves
Provide the ability to export portfolio equity curves to CSV file, as is available in Simulator. Not asking for any proprietary data, just the equity curve.
1 vote -
Portfolios Tool
Portfolio tool requires amending to prevent it making purchases of stock in quanities far in excess of Average Daily Volumes and causes gains and losses that could not be achieved . It reguires an algorithm to relate purchases and sells to meaningful volumes with respect to the average daily volumes. Any programmers, knowledgible with the VV program, able and willing to make the amendments ? Presently when stock prices get down to the pennies Portfolios allows trade volumess that would make us all multimillionaires with a couple of cents change in prices, but that size of trades would adjust prices…
1 vote -
Add open trade positions to trade history report
The trade history report currently includes only closed postions. However, a trade is not only a round trip buy/sell, but also a buy with an open position. I would like to have all open positions also added to the trade history report. There should be an indicator that the position is open and maybe only fill out the final price column if the position is actualy closed. This way I can run one report and see all my trade history, open or closed.
2 votes -
Add WatchList View in Portfolios as done in EOD version
I realize that I can add columns using Layout, but then my row becomes too long. Maybe we need to have the ability to save multiple layouts.
2 votes -
Group 2010 Model Portfolios together by 2010 Subfolder or rename with 2010 at start of name
VV is displaying 4 different portfolio styles in 2010. Could you create a "2010 SubFolder" for the 4 strategies for this year. OR - could you rename the 4 Strategies to start with "2010" so you can more quickly find them on the list.
The reason for this request, is that on a daily basis, it is somewhat anoying to hunt and pick and find the 4 strategies for 2010 on the list that includes all the Riding the Wave portfolios from previous years. When there was just a Riding the Wave portfolio for 2010, that was easy enough, but…
3 votes -
Add Strategy to the Portfolio Summary Report
For the basic Portfolio Summary Report, the Strategy used should be added to the report, along with all the parameters of the strategy.
This will be quite helpful when comparing numerous results for both live and back testing (and eliminates having to put it within the Remarks or Title of the Portfolio).
20 votes -
add the ability to export portfolios to other VectorVest users
It would be great if there was a way you could export your portfolios and import them into another VectorVest user's account.
For example, my friend and I both use RealTime, and would like to share our portfolio ideas. However, it would be a little time consuming to have to re-enter all the parameters by hand. It would be great if I could export the portfolio from my RealTime and allow him to import it into his.
9 votes -
Give (Yes/No) option for E-Mail notification in Portfolio Automation.
I Run a few Test Portfolios in real time with auto closeout stop positions and auto replacement. In the course of a day I sometimes generate large numbers of email notifications that bog down my emai account. I like the notifications for my active Portfolios but i realy don't need them for test Portfolios.
1 vote -
15 votes -
4 votes
Add graph links in the Trade History of the Manage Portfolios section of Portfolios
It would be nice if one could click on a stock in the Trade History and see a graph of the stock. So many times I'd like to have the ability to quickly check a stock in trade history. Having this linking to the graph would be a handy way to do it.
5 votes -
Sortable portfolio columns
Currently, I believe, the portfolio list is sorted by name and can not be changed to sort on say ROI or purchase date (or any other) by clicking on the header.
1 vote
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