4466 results found
Let's Have Historical Performance Information For The Individual Stocks, ETFs, etc
It would be great to be able to see/sort each stock/ETF, etc for historical performance - YTD,MTD, 1yr,3yr,5yr, custom dates, etc
2 votes -
In the CDN market Bull & Contra ETF's are not segregated between US & Canadian ETF's. The timing is differant although same exchange.
The present situation allows ETF searches in Canada that pick up US ETF on the Canadian market to appear. This cause a problem because the US and Canadian markets do not move at the same time. I get a Canadian based market signal, however the search is telling me to buy a US based ETF which is moving on a differant market signal. This causes the Canadian search to perform not as well as optimal, US based ETF should appear on he US market parameters not Canadian. I am sure this would be applicable todifferant countries as well. eg Australia…
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Crossing moving average on custom fields or any other field like RT (ex.:5daysMA RT crossing 10daysMA RT)
We can create MA and EMA on almost all Fields. What I would like is to be able to search for any EMA or MA crossing on thoses different fiels.
Than you
Steve Roy1 vote -
1 vote
Include a GLBRT indicator column in the daily View.
Those of us without VectorVest 7 have to calculate 10 day and 15 day RT moving averages. This would give a daily indicator for those of us interested in making investments based on the Green Light Buyer / RT strategy.
1 vote -
Develop watch lists that closely follow timing signals
Some stocks seem to closely correlate with your timing signals while others seem to be independent. If you created and maintained watch lists of "well behaved" stocks this should significantly improve the results. I have tried it and it works but it would be much better if automated.
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4 votes
Add Benchmark Performance (S&P500) column to the BackTester results
Performance of a given idea/strategy is more useful when compared to a benchmark so you can show that your approach will be more rewarding than simply indexing the S&P500.
3 votes -
2 votes
add an option to use an external historical price database
It would be useful to use all the Vectorvest tools (unisearch, prtfolio simulations, etc.) with an external historical price database of my choosing.
I could then use the Verctorvest backtesting features with a database that I obtain elsewhere that may include, for example, DELISTED stocks, which would then remove the 'survivorship bias' in the results.
2 votes -
Add SMSC Std Microsystems to the data base. It is an AAPL vendor.
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1 vote
Bullish and bearish candlestick signals relative to the 40 SMA
I wo8uld like to suggest that you modify the candlestick searches to take into account the position of the stock price relative to the 40 SMA. Bullish candlestick signals are much more effective when they take place below the 40 SMA, and bearish candlestick signals are much more effective when they take place above the 40 SMA. Doji signals, conversely, are important at the top or bottom of the pattern. Taking into account these complexities would be of great value to traders.
1 vote -
I just do not understand this at all?
I dont have an idea
1 vote -
Label PRICE in Color guard as VVC - all other columns RT and BSR are called what they are labeled
On Color Guard, as a newbie found it confusing as the PRICE column is actually the VVC. Finally caught on. Other columns like RT and BSR are called what they are labelled, so why not label PRICE as VVC to keep clear? Or maybe even PRICE (VVC)
3 votes -
RSI needs to be a proper field not just a crossover
I want to be able to see the absolute value of the RSI and to calculate a moving average. I want to be able to sort on RSI as well.
Grant Wichenko
1 vote -
Develop a column that allows the VST number to be posted as a constant so that one see if the VST has risen or droped since being placed in a watchlist. This would be similar to the TRKPRICE and the PRICE. I can see immediately if a stock has risen or dropped by looking at these two columns. I would like the same convenient quick check on the VST columns.
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1 vote
1 vote
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?